Let's Step Out of the Box, Y'all!
If you love to bake and you're looking for great hacks that start with a boxed mix, you've come to the right place! Out of the Box Baking is the brain-child of Janice Thompson (yours truly), an inspirational author of over 150 books and self-proclaimed cake and cookie expert.

Okay, okay. . .I'm no expert. . .I just play one on TV. Kidding, I've never even been on TV. Well, except for that one time I was on the evening news, but that's a whole different story. (Ahem.)
The Point Is. . .
I love to bake. I just can't seem to help myself. I consider it my therapy, my escape, my way to bless others with mountains and mountains of cookies, cakes, and cupcakes. And I do it all from my colorful kitchen.

My story of how I came to bake cakes and cookies began long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away. Okay, that's only partially true.
My story picks up in 2004, when my oldest daughter received a proposal of marriage. She got married in February of that year. Four and a half months later, daughter #2 got married. Two years later, daughter #3. One year later, daughter #4.
Somewhere between daughters one and two, an idea hit: Make the next wedding cake.
The Production Process of a Wedding Cake...

Okay, I’ll confess. . .
Back then, I knew nothing about how to level, layer, or fill a cake. If I'm being honest (and what's the point in fibbing?) I was a terrible, terrible baker. I could burn slice-and-bake cookies.
No, really. I could. . .and I did. Every baking project I put my hand to failed. Well, mostly.
I certainly knew nothing about How to Tier a Cake! But, with the help of some good friends who’d walked the road ahead of me, that wedding cake came together. And it tasted great.
So great, in fact, that I was a little nervous about letting people know I’d used a boxed mix. (Would they think I’d cheated? Ack!)
Shh! Don't Tell!
After a while the secret slipped out. I mean, you can only hide a dozen boxes of cake mix from your friends and family for so long, after all. And you know what? No one cared. Why? Because, with the addition of my Dreamy Buttercream Frosting, that boxed cake mix tickled the taste buds of everyone who tried a slice.
A few years have come and gone since then. There are nine grandchildren now and I bake for nearly every birthday event.
Over the years I've decorated hundreds of cakes, for every event--from birthdays to weddings, to baby showers. Never once have I had a complaint about one of my cakes. Well, except that one time a four-tiered cake toppled, but I'm still in therapy over that one.
Here's the truth: We live in a crazy/busy time, where folks simply don't have the time or the energy to do everything from scratch. . .and that's okay.
No, really. It's okay. Give yourself a break! Allow yourself the freedom to take shortcuts, to skip a few steps, and to cut back on your stress. Use a boxed mix. . .or don't. But, guess what? You can still come out with beautiful, delicious products in the end.
How This Site Will Work
I'll be posting 2-3 recipes a week. Some (like my cakes and cupcakes) will start with a boxed mix. Others, (like my cookies, bars, and other tasty treats) will be from scratch, but with my quirky, out-of-the-box personality shining through. So, no matter how you look at it, this site will take you "out of the box!"
Wondering Where to Start?
Why not begin with my post titled How to Doctor a Cake Mix: The Ultimate Guide. There I offer 20 tips, tricks, and lots of fun ideas you’ve probably never thought of!
Think of it as a primer, something to get you started. After that you'll find recipes for cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and a plethora of other sweet treats. I'm also a big fan of themed parties, so I've created a section for that. No matter where you land. . .happy baking, y'all!

Thanks for stopping by, y'all. We're gonna have a blast!
I promise.