Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient in your troubles, and pray at all times.
Romans 12:12 (GNT)
You're Testing my Patience
How many times in life have we used those words? If you have children (or work with children) no doubt you've spoken them a lot!
What does it mean to have your patience "tested?" And what happens if you fail the test? Do things crumble? Fall apart?
Let's look at a quick baking project as an example of where a lack of patience can lead you.
A Life Lesson in a Baking Pan
Today I was gifted several gallons of blackberries. Yes, you read that right. I ended up with four gallons of blackberries, thanks to a very generous friend.
I gave away several but kept about ⅔ of them. They needed to be washed, dried, flash frozen, and then bagged and placed in the freezer, where I can store them for the next few months while I decide what to do with them all.
(Hey, I'm a baker! I'm sure I'll figure it out!)
Having all of those blackberries led me to search the web for ideas for baking projects. One of the first things I stumbled upon was a cheesecake recipe.
I've only made homemade cheesecake once before and it wasn't all that great. So, I wasn't sure how this one would go. Still, the idea of a really great cheesecake sounded lovely. The more I thought about it, the tastier the idea seemed. Yum! I could hardly wait.
But wait I must.
Never Start Baking a Cheesecake when You're Hungry
I learned the hard way that a cheesecake isn't like a normal cake, in that you don't actually eat it on the day you bake it. The process of cooling a cheesecake takes hours.
Lots. And. Lots. Of. Hours.
This particular recipe called for the cake to bake for 70 minutes. No problem.
Then the cheesecake sits in the oven for an additional hour with the heat turned off.
Then it sits (in the pan) on a wire cooling rack for another hour.
Then (gasp!) it goes into the refrigerator for a full eight hours before you can add the topping and slice it.
Now you see why I said above, "Never bake a cheesecake when you're hungry." You will be sorely disappointed when you're not able to have the very thing you want when you want it.
Why Does it Take so Long?
Turns out, the cheesecake can crack, split, and crumble if you speed up the process. If, for instance, you move it to the refrigerator before it's fully cooled, condensation will form. And with condensation comes sogginess. Once a cheesecake gets soggy, it's all over. Down she goes!
Leave the cheesecake to cool completely before refrigerating and you end up with a perfectly lovely outcome.

The Waiting Game
Of course, this isn't the first time I've had to wait. If you're like me, you've played the waiting game a lot over the years. We wait to find friends. To find a spouse. To have children. To see our dreams come to fruition. To see our ship come in.
Most of us are still waiting for that last one.
It seems we're always waiting. For that new job. A new home. A better relationship with someone we love.
And waiting isn't easy.
It's Worth the Wait
I'm here to tell you, that cheesecake was worth the wait. It turned out to be creamy, luscious, and exactly what I was hoping it would be. And it's even better after being chilled for eight hours in the fridge.
Your situation will be worth the wait, too.
Hang on a little longer, friend. Things might be taking a little longer than you anticipated but the outcome will be oh, so tasty if you don't give up.
I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.
Psalm 40:1
About the Author
Janice Thompson is an author, baker and all-around mischief maker! She has overcome a host of baking catastrophes, including a toppled wedding cake, to learn more about the baking process. Janice has published over 150 books for the Christian market but particularly enjoys writing recipes and baking devotions. To learn more about Janice or to drop her a note, visit her About the Author page.