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It Might Look Different

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)

I don't know about you, but I'm crazy about Snickerdoodles. Maybe it's the light, crisp texture. Maybe it's the sweet sugary taste. Or maybe it's that lovely "bite" of cinnamon. I just love it all!

I happen to have an excellent recipe for Snickerdoodles, straight from my mama's recipe book. But awhile back my daughter told me about a new version--Snickerdoodles in bar form.

Different Form, Same Flavors

I wasn't sure but decided to bake up a batch of the Snickerdoodle Cookie Bars. And, y'all. . .wow! These are absolutely delicious and even easier to make than the original, since you don't have to scoop them out individually.

I absolutely loved this recipe, but thinking about it brought a biblical point to mind: Sometimes things--even really good things--don't turn out looking like you think they will.

Maybe you've got big plans for your life. You think you know how they will play out.

But they don't.

Sometimes God Does Things a Different Way.

The "packaging" looks different than you expected. He moves in creative fashion.

Oh, friends. . .fret!

Don't limit God to cookies when He might have bars in mind for you! Instead, simply trust that no matter how he delivers the blessing, it will be exactly what you need!

His plans for you truly are in your best interest, I promise!

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