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Nothing Can Separate Us

I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. (Romans 8:38 NLT)

Let me Start with a Confession

I’m not a great baker. I know. You’re probably wondering, “How can she have a baking site, then?” It’s simple: I post my successes and my failures. I’m quick to let folks know when I’ve messed up.

Such was the case when I tried to come up with a “from scratch” white cake mix. I can’t even being to tell you how many recipes I tried.

I finally settled on a white cake recipe that’s pretty good, but I’ll be honest: I much prefer my doctored cake mix, even now.

While I was trying to learn how to bake a white cake from scratch I made something like seven recipes. All of them went into the trash except the last one.

I know. What a waste of ingredients, right?

I Wanted those Cakes Out of my Sight

They were such an abject failure that I wanted to rid myself of the. So, I tossed them into my trash can, one after the other.

When I make a catastrophic mistake, I want it out of sight, out of mind.

I Got to Thinking About That

God doesn’t make mistakes, but I sure do. And sometimes, when I mess up, I toss myself into the proverbial trash. I separate myself from Him because I’m embarrassed and ashamed at what I’ve done.

He won’t leave me there, there. He fishes me out, brushes me off, and says, “Nope! I’ll never allow myself to be separated from you.”

Nothing I’ve ever done–no sin, no shame, no mistake, no prideful act–will cause Him to reject me. I’m not an imperfect cake, tossed aside with no value. I’m His beloved child, worthy of His love, no matter what.

The same is true for you. No matter where you’ve been, no matter the road you’ve walked, He will never let go of you. He’s not tossing you aside, no matter the mistakes you’ve made. He will go on loving you and proving, day after day, that His love is enough. And nothing can separate you from that love, friend!

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