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Sour Milk

I had a moment today when I almost did something stupid. Really, really stupid. I wanted to bake an easy Coconut Cream Pie so that I could post the recipe on my blog but I knew the milk in my fridge was sour.

My crazy idea? Bake it with the sour milk.

There were a couple of reasons for this impulsive thought:

  • First, I'm on a work deadline and can't leave the house to go to the store.
  • Second, I'm on a diet and I'm terrified I'll actually eat a giant slice of the coconut cream pie if it turns out right. (It's my favorite pie on the planet.) That can't happen.

Common Sense Won Out

I didn't use the sour milk. I decided to water down some heavy whipping cream and use it, instead. I used a ratio of ⅔ cream, ⅓ water. Talk about taking a risk!

The pie turned out great. (Yay!) I passed it to a good friend whose family is going through a hard season. I gave them a perfectly wonderful non-sour pie. And I didn't eat a bite, in spite of the temptation.

In other words, I didn't let the sour milk take control of the story.

Sour Milk? No Thanks.

As I contemplated this pie situation I thought about my life, of late. There have been some rough patches. And I have a tendency, in spite of my faith, to grumble.

Complain. Whine. Worry.

In other words, I choose to use the sour milk. I choose bitterness. I pour it in and it spoils everything. Instead of depending on the heavy cream of the Holy Spirit I reach for frustration, bitterness, and pain.

How lovely would life be. . .

If we reached for the cream, instead.

Fresh homemade yoghurt in a glass jar

I don't know about you, but letting go of bitterness is the only way forward. You can't go on souring the whole pie for long before friends start disappearing, family starts pulling away, and you end up frustrated with yourself.

Let's face it: sometimes we're so sour we can't stand our own stench.

It's Time.

It's time to let go of the bitterness, friend. Let it go. Today. Before you take one step forward.

When you choose joy, you're choosing a cream heavy enough to carry you beyond the threshold of pain and into a deeper, more abiding relationship with Jesus.

Choose the cream. Choose life.

About the Author

Janice Thompson is an author, baker, and all-around mischief maker! She has overcome a host of baking catastrophes, including a toppled wedding cake, to learn more about the baking process. Janice has published over 150 books for the Christian market but particularly enjoys writing recipes and baking devotions. To learn more about Janice or to drop her a note, visit her About the Author page.


Sunday 9th of October 2022

Most of the time I'm an optometrist. But grumbling can creep into my life when I least expect it. I stop and have a talk with the Lord then grumbling turns into gratitude. And I'm sure the family enjoyed the special dessert. ????


Sunday 9th of October 2022

I'm still laughing over the optometrist line. :) I agree: Gotta love spellcheck!


Sunday 9th of October 2022

@Janetta, I meant optimist. ??? Got to love spell check.

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